Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Friday night I spent the night with Lisa. I could not go to sleep right away so I got up and wrote some things down, that I wanted to remember.
"As I was laying there, contemplating, I was inspired to jot down a few thoughts. I am recalling this summer. As some of you know, Kimberly's family hosted a boy from Ukraine, Yura, and his chaperone, Iryna stayed with me the last week they were here. Yura not only lived in their home for a month, but will live in our hearts for a long time to come. I have to say I found myself caring for her as a mother. I was reminded of when my daughters were welcomed and treated while they were so far away from home a few years back. Lorie lived in China for a year and Kimberly in Salt Lake City for almost 2 years. I remember Kimberly saying, "a new friend, named Cheryl was like her Mom away from home" And knowing she had Cheryl as a friend, 'this Mom' really appreciated her. And Lorie being in China, there were a couple of people who 'mothered' her.
I was just telling Lisa tonight, "how hard it was to send them so far away, but that I also remember having such a peace about it about them being there. I had a telephone plan to call to China for a little less, so on Sunday nights I would call Lorie and then do 3-way to Kimberly. It was always so good to hear their voices. I recall talking to Lorie one morning vividly. The phone rang and the person on the other end did not speak right away, but it was as if The Holy Spirit, (if you will) spoke to me, prompting me to wait, and sure enough soon, I heard Lorie's voice. What a beautiful sound. Another sweet and vivid memory, on Mother's Day weekend, Kimberly and Todd surprised me by coming home. WOW! God is so faithful. And now Michael lives in Atlanta, and has a motorcycle. Some ask, "don't you worry about him?"
Surprisingly, I have the same peace about him. I know God is taking care of him, just like HE did for Lorie and Kimberly. I never wanted to make him a cripple and dependent on me. (to borrow a line from a graduation card) I gave them roots, so they know where they came from, but I give them wings so they can fly. God really is my refuge, and strength. I don't have to worry. When I start to worry, I am reminded,"Well what if this or that happens?" What will I do? Most likely I will eventually turn to God, so why not go straight to HIM in the first place and lay it at HIS feet?" Beth Moore used this in one of her books. All my 'what ifs' might not ever materialize, so by worrying what have I gained.
I am reminded, 'we do entertain angels unaware', getting back to Yura and Iryna. God placed them in our lives at this strategic point. We are blessed to be a blessing. I often think, "why am I allowed to go through certain things, because in so doing, maybe what I experience can help someone else along the journey.
Refection is good therapy, so love till next time.

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