Friday, October 8, 2010

keepingtrackalloveragain: starting all over

keepingtrackalloveragain: starting all over: "'Starting over at what?' you might ask. Well Larry has a new job again, 3rd one in 2 years. He stayed with the same one for 20 years, so why..."

Not sure how to start a new page, so here goes. I think I will write and share how God is dealing with my heart. Maybe writing it down, I will be able to see when and how HE answers and where my priorities lie. So bear with me and thanks for journeying with me.
Most days my most urgent prayers are for family, who just have not gotten "there" yet, in their relationship. So as to not be judgmental, I want to be "about the Truth, with Grace" as our Pastor so eloquently put it one Sunday recently.
For example my prayer today began, (as always I try to remember), Praise- to our Lord and Savior. HE is the only True King! {Revelation Song} HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, is the Lord, God Almighty. Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain, Who was and Is and Is to come.
Forgive me Lord, my unbelief. I know and am persuaded that YOU, Oh Lord are able to keep that which have committed unto YOU against that day. Lord I lift YOU up, and as we lift You up, You will draw all unto Yourself. Thanks be to God. For it is YOUR will that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance. So Lord, I pray, "open their eyes to see clearly, open their ears to hear with understanding. Soften their hearts to receive YOUR Truth, Holy Spirit". With a grateful heart, I lay them at your feet, knowing YOU are faithful and just! God You are Mighty to Save.

1 comment:

  1. "Starting over at what?" you might ask. Well Larry has a new job again, 3rd one in 2 years. He stayed with the same one for 20 years, so why not? I have been providing childcare again, 'full-time' for the last year. It looks like I will keep on for at least another three years, just agreed to keep another newborn next school year. After 35 years of taking care of children in my home while their parents work outside the home, has been my life. My oldest was just a baby when I started. After a short stint at teaching preschool and then substitute teaching in the public schools, I got back in to childcare in 1991, took a short break in 2006, and restarted in 2007. So here I am starting all over again.
