Sunday, November 7, 2010

Where are my roots set?

As I was reading an email from one of my daughters, I was reminded just how thankful I am for my family. Even though my roots run deep in North Georgia, I am reminded that they go even further than this little plot of dirt. Scientist are now thinking we all come from the continent of Africa, the area around the Mediterranean. The Bible has always told that. I am always interested in "where my family came from", but not only 'where we came from,' where we are going. I am reading over one part of my Family Tree. (more exactly, my maternal grandfather) Just because this one I have the most info on, thanks to a wonderful cousin. She has compiled a lot of info and spent a lot of time tracing our roots. We have several pages that she compiled in 2000, then another part in 2003, she is still digging too.
I had the privilege to attend Homecoming at Bethlehem First Baptist today. Tremendous praise and worship, God's anointing, God's message through a splendid young man, whom I had the opportunity to witness his life as a child and teen. His legacy from his precious parents, one of whom is now in Heaven, and the other as friend and fellow follower of Christ, has afforded me the knowledge of how God works when we are obedient and (as he put it) "aware of God's Presence".
I came away blessed beyond measure, and renewed in my belief that God is indeed in the here and now, and IS already where we are headed. So I am encouraged by the scripture, 'don't grow weary in well-doing, because in due season we shall receive our reward.
At my home church this morning I was able to go to a ladies' Sunday School class. Ephesians 1-4, Paul was trying to teach the church about working in unity, both Jews and Gentiles, to achieve His Purpose. So my challenge as I walk and work in this life, 'do I work in unity with my family of believers, to accomplish HIS Purpose, or do I work to achieve my own agenda." Our choir sang "Feels Like Redemption." After all, that is really what our life is all about. Jesus said, "If I be lifted up I will draw all people unto Myself." Do I walk like I believe that?
Keeping track

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