Sunday, August 7, 2011

Premonitions, do you believe?

OK, I am not sure about this one, but felt like I needed to write it down. (disclaimer right)
This week was the 11th anniversary of my Mother-in-law's death, home-going, YES. Alot happened that year. The summer of 2000 started like many others before it, but on July 24th my MOL went into the hospital, unbeknownst to us, at the time, she had Leukemia. Mamaw as she was affectionately called, died early in the morning on August 4th. Her funeral was on Sunday, August 6th. The next week on Sunday, August 13th our middle child, Lorie, left for China. She would be gone for almost 1 year, (11 months and 1 week to be exact). Two weeks later, Kimberly, our first-born, along with her husband of a little less than two years, moved lock, stock and barrel to Salt Lake City, Utah. They would live there for 18 months. Lorie was teaching English in a little Province between Beijing and Shanghai. Kimberly and Todd were sent by our church, GA Baptist, and North American Mission Board, to help prepare for the world to come to SLC for the 2002 Winter Olympics. Witnessing and Building along side other like-minded (Baptists, mostly), for those coming from across our nation, to spread the Good News of Christ's love and forgiveness.
In June of 2001, Michael, our youngest, left to go to China also. He would spend the last month there with Lorie and come home with her. On July 9th, (I believe) they were to fly home to Atlanta. I had been away for a couple of days with my parents. While my husband, Larry was away working out of state. The day they were flying from China to California, where they would stop over, come through customs, and then onto Atlanta, they called me from San Francisco. When I arrived home I had a message from them. They were expected to be in Atlanta earlier than previously expected. Glad I had come home and gotten the message in time to head out to the airport to welcome home two of my "babies."
While Kimberly was still in SLC, we had planned a family trip to go there to visit. So having rented a van to drive across country, we set out early in the morning of July 20th, (again, trying to remember the date) I know we were in SLC for Pioneer Day which is celebrated in Utah on July 24th.
So good for this "mother hen" to have all her babies in the same house again. Like I said earlier, Kimberly and Todd lived there in a little house in Sugar Park area for 18th months. They were scheduled to come home late April after the Olympics were over in February. For Spring Break, the first week in April, I was planning to fly there and help them pack up to come home.
But on March 26th, my Mom was admitted to the hospital and was rushed into emergency surgery. That night she was diagnosed with cancer, and spent 2 or 3 days in ICU at what was then GA Baptist Hospital in Cumming, GA. When I called Kimberly to tell her I would not be coming the next week and why, we all were very sad, as well as frightened at what this meant for our family. Remembering she had just lost one very precious grandmother and now the other grandmother was very sick, was somehow more than we could either bear.
Thankfully we were able to cash in frequent flyer miles and fly her home, so I would just cancel my trip and save those for a later time to fly somewhere else maybe. Two of their good friends did fly out and help Todd drive their stuff home in a couple of weeks. Memaw, as they called her, did recover from the surgery and fought cancer for another 4 years, forever changing our lives. She was blessed to see and hold 8 of her great-grandchildren.
So that brings me to why I am writing this now. Last night, I learned that some of those little ones, it seems, just out of the blue, became very emotional and somewhat concerned about these grandparents' deaths. One asked their Mom, "was she so sad when Memaw died". The other was asking their Mom, about both Mamaw and Memaw and even Papaw, (he died in 1991)
I don't know what this is all about, but I wonder. Do children have premonitions? Some people have dreams, my MOL was one of those who had dreams, my grandmother had dreams, my brother has dreams, I have dreams, do I know what they are saying? "Not really, but looking back I know and can remember how I felt, just before something life-changing happened."
Right after my Mom died, I remember praying, "God let me see her in that new glorious body," because I believe with all my heart, she is in the Presence of God and with all those gone before that had a personal relationship with Christ. So it is not coincidence that I dream of her, not as she was in those last days, but as she looked when she was younger and vibrant. I see her with her parents, and her brother. Just two nights ago I dreamed a very detailed dream about Mom and her brother.
Well what does it all mean? I am not sure, but I do know that I grieve, but not as one who does not have hope, I have Hope. For I know in Whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.
I am struggling with why these little ones are asking these questions so seemingly "out of the blue". How do we comfort them, how do we answer their questions about death? I like what my daughter told hers, she reminded them of the story in the bible of Adam and Eve, 'how God created them to live forever, but we cannot live in these bodies, because they are broken, but we will live forever in Heaven with our new bodies.' And that they, as children don't have to worry about their grandparents. I trust that is sufficient to comfort them and give them peace.
Just keeping track...

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