Saturday, July 9, 2011

Be still and know....

I got home from vacation to the beach on the Atlantic side of Florida, just over the Georgia state line. Came home on Tuesday from Lorie's.
Watching my adult child with her 3 children as she is expecting her 4th in a few weeks, just makes my eyes swell with pride; pride in who she is, who she has grown up to be.
If I have any gift, it is a gift to be allowed to be not only her Mom, but friend. I am fortunate to have that privilege and honor. All three of my adult children make me feel this way. I am a most blessed person.
I was talking to a long time friend last night. I first got to know him as a Senior in High School. He was my Principal, actually the Assistant Principal at the school I graduated from. He then became Principal of the Elementary school my kids went to. He wanted to know what they are doing and where they are now, remembering I had two little girls and a little boy, when we were at that school during the 80's. After reminding him of their names, he assured me he remembered them all three. "You remember kids like the "Plott kids," he said. "Good kids," and because I was always very involved at the school, he remembered me fondly.
I love to talk about my kids, because they are really a gift, a heritage. I love telling how they have traveled around the world, and how smart, friendly, and creative they are. But the greatest accomplishment I feel, is the way they point others to their relationship with Christ.
They are quietly living His example in everything they do. They are diligent, exemplary citizens, striving to do what is right and honorable toward all people they come in contact with. Yet they never boast or brag about themselves, but boast of Who they belong to.

I appreciate the lyrics; "Be still and know, He is God! He is God! I have had that time this week after arriving home, to do just that, "be still and know" I look forward to what I will learn and become from this "Quiet time".
I am loving "keeping track"...

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