Monday, May 9, 2011

thankful for Mama:being thankful in all things

We don't choose the things we go through in this life, but our choices do make a difference; we can only choose how we react to them. When God instructed us to "in all things with thanksgiving, make our requests known to Him", He was talking about everyday things, little things, ordinary things. I am glad I had a Mama who left a legacy of love and acceptance, and forgiveness.
Here, because of the Grace of God, and for that reason only, am I. I wrote these words of thanks a few years ago to my Mom for living Jesus and teaching in our home.

THANK YOU, MAMA, for teaching me to love others better than myself. Because you love unconditionally, expecting nothing in return, you taught me to love.
THANK YOU, MAMA, for teaching me to have a 'servant's heart". Because you served others, you taught me to serve to the best of my ability.
THANK YOU, MAMA, for teaching me to love my children enough to want the best for them. It would have been easier to just leave us in our own messes, but you wanted better for us. Even when we made bad choices you loved us and wanted the best.
THANK YOU, MAMA, for teaching me to never give up. When things around you got so bad, you just prayed more and persevered and kept trying. Because of your attitude, I will keep trying, keep praying and trusting God.
Just like I knew you would never leave, I know Christ will never leave me nor forsake me. Thank you for never giving up.
THANK YOU, MAMA, for teaching me to love the unlovely. Because you loved and even served those who did not seem to love you in return, I learned to love the unlovely.
THANK YOU MAMA, for teaching me to be generous in my giving. Even when something already belonged to you in the first place, you were grateful when we gave it back to you. I remember when we were little, one Christmas, or perhaps, Mother's Day, we wrapped up some of your ear bobs and Daddy's tie clips, to give them to you as a gift. You were so genuine and grateful, knowing all the time they were already in your possession. So thank you for teaching me to be a cheerful giver.
THANK YOU, MAMA, for teaching me to forgive. Even when people hurt you, you forgave and loved anyway/
THANK YOU, MAMA, for teaching me to love life and laugh. We all do silly, even stupid things, but thank you for teaching me to laugh at myself and not take myself so seriously.
THANK YOU , MAMA, for teaching me to love God's Word. You took me to church, sang with us of God's love, I remember one time during my teens, you told me "any problem I was facing, the answer was found in God's Word." Your Bible had a concordance with scripture references and sure enough, there was a scripture for what I was experiencing. So thank you for teaching me to love God's Word.
THANK YOU, MAMA, for teaching me to trust those 'motherly instincts' because you "just knew" when we were hurting, I learned to trust my own 'motherly instincts', call it "intuition" of 'gut feeling', I learned to trust it is the Holy Spirit's prompting. So thank you for teaching me to trust.
THANK YOU, MAMA, for being Jesus in human form. When I was far away physically, or maybe in rebellion, I could feel your love, because I knew you were praying for me. You would reprove me for bad choices. So thank you for that reproof when I needed it. Thank you for giving me boundaries, because I felt safe and loved anywhere I went. So thank you Mama, for this legacy and heritage of love!
My Mama modeled Christ even in her darkest hours, she always had that light about her.
We have many examples of her love and faithfulness, and because of that I am who I am in large part thanks to Mama. I did learn all those things, because she lived them up until her last breath. I never had a (Paul on the Damascus Road experience, or a Mary Magdalene experience, I just realized one day my need for a Savior, and that no one, not even my Mama could decide for me, to accept or reject Christ's Gift of Himself. Just like my Mom chose that Gift for herself, we all have to. I am glad she taught me that, of all the things she taught me. Just like Mama, I cannot decide for my children, nor their children. However I do have a responsibility to leave that legacy too. To teach them of that Love.
Just keeping track.